DVH plans to help your clients round out their Medicare coverage.
Offer CSO's Dental, Vision & Hearing (DVH) plans to your clients to help them manage their health care costs and add more benefits to their existing Medicare coverage.
Offer CSO's Dental, Vision & Hearing (DVH) plans to your clients to help them manage their health care costs and add more benefits to their existing Medicare coverage.
"I started selling CSO's DVH plan in June and immediately found out how easy the application process is and the great benefits it has. I offer this plan to all my noncovered clients and all my new Medicare supplement enrollees! I have found that if you offer this coverage, most people will take advantage of it and it sells itself! In addition, the staff at CSO has been a great support team. They have been very easy to work with and knowledgeable about this product."
~Kris Shevelson, Medicare Agent
When you add CSO DVH plans to your portfolio, we want you to succeed and help more clients! We have a full set of marketing materials and resources to help you spread the word about our DVH plans and reach out to clients. Download our materials right here:
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